P.A. Persona e Amministrazione

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024)
Published December 24, 2024
P.A. Persona e Amministrazione - Vol. XIV

The P.A. magazine (Person and Administration) (ISSN 2610-9050) six-monthly scientific journal of Class A, Area 12. Born from the research process started in 2006, with the first conference promoted in Urbino. It is not, therefore, a magazine that arises in the abstract or as the result only of a project; rather, it is the result of a journey that has now lasted for ten years. It is born, therefore, from an experience and the results of that experience will contribute to supporting and increasing it. The journal is indexed in Scopus

I - Monographic Section

Francesco Follieri
A theoretical and dogmatic reflection on the Public Contracts Code
Silvia Zorzetto
On «General principles»: legal-philosophical considerations based on the Public Procurement Code
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Francesco Follieri
Trust and Administrative Parternalism
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Luca R. Perfetti
the principle of achievement of a beneficial result and administrative discretion
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Alberto Clini
Result principle and partnerships: the case of sports facilities
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Michele Trimarchi
Why Deviate from the Civil Code in the Execution of Public Contracts
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Edoardo Caruso
“shared” public administration: third sector, public procurement and services
.pdf (Italiano)
Fabio Saitta
Continuity Requirements between Tendering Procedure and Execution Phase
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Alessandra Amore
The judgment of anomaly of the offer in the new "season" of the public procurement: the value of the principle of result and the metamorphosis of judicial review (?)
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Mariaconcetta D’Arienzo
Competition demystification and the result principle in public contract regulation
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Biagio Giliberti
Shared administration: co-programming and co-design in the Third Sector between autonomous initiative of social formations and powers of public administrations
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Gerolamo Taccogna
Theory and practice of the public interest, between law and politics
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II - Studies

Biagio G. Di Mauro
The european perspective of the local governance of public services between the enhancement of social and territorial cohesion and the devaluation of free competition market
.pdf (Italiano)
Raffaella Dagostino
Data governance in the digital eRa: a difficult balance between security, transparency and solidarity needs
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Maddalena Ippolito
The development of new technologies in the automation of the public contract. Some reflections on legislative decree no. 36/2023
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Adriana Ciafardoni
The problem of liability models: considerations on the nature of damages for injury to legitimate interests
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Francesco Dimichina
The problem of early intervention measures preconditions in the italian banking system: between climax and synecdoche
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Alice De Nuccio
Administration, territory and population dynamics. Agricultural ecosystems as a case study
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Marta Pecchioli
The requirement for environmental impact assessment in cases of transboundary harm in the jurisprudence of the international court of justice: how far have we come?
Giuseppe Chiaia Noya, Adriano Garofalo
The Application of Article 42-bis of Legislative Decree No. 151/2001 to Military and Law Enforcement Personnel
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Oksana Hnativ, Oksana Harasymiv, Svitlana Senyk, Volodymyr Kossak
Making Legal and Enforcement Decisions in the Management of Resources (on the Example of Ukraine)
Renato Rolli, Martina Maggiolini
Participation as a barrier to "more likely than not": dissolution of municipal councils and interdictive anti-mafia
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Daniel Foà
Secondary use of health data and its regulation: Impact assessment of the proposed European Health Data Space on scientific research
Marco Ciracì
Widespread interests and legitimacy to act through the filter of unjust damage
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Lucia Murgolo
The Public Security Authority, Yesterday and Today
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