Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): P.A. Person and Administration - Vol. X, Issue 1, 2022
P.A. Person and Administration - Vol. X, Issue 1, 2022

II - Studies

Nino Longobardi
Misunderstandings regarding independent administrative authorities. All chickens come home to roost
.pdf (Italiano)
Barbara Mameli
Responsibility for failure to implement the public purpose, an instrument for the protection of fundamental freedoms and rights
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Edoardo Caruso
Public procurement between sustainability goals and competitive purposes: in search of a new equilibrium
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Sabrina Tranquilli
Conflicts and disputes between Public Administrations
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Ippolito Piazza
Administrative impartiality as a right.: Some remarks on the “complex relationship” between citizens and public administration
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Antonello Lo Calzo
The new “perimeter” of the “autodichia” of the constitutional bodies.: Recent trends in domestic jurisdiction after the turning point of the judgements of the Constitutional Court no. 120/2014 and no. 262/2017
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Maria Esmeralda Bucalo
Reflections on soft law and independent authorities also in the perspective of some recent judicial pronunciations
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Gabriele Serra
The balance between the right to access to administrative documents of public procedures and technical and trade secrets: administrative activity nature and legal protection techniques
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Edoardo Giardino
Development of priority infrastructure: delays, limits and reform prospects
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Marta Pecchioli
When the remedy overcomes the bad: decree law no. 76/2020 and the ineffective struggle against the “fear of signing”. identifying the causes to rethink the solutions
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Valentina Cingano
Extent and limits of the criminal judge's review of the administrative and restrictive act: macroscopic defects and subjective element; non-invalidating defects and objective element of the crime: the evaluation of the administrative act by the judge in the criminal trial
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Donato Vese
Health crisis, legal framework and economic issues: Rethinking the administrative power of the WHO
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Renato Rolli, Mariafrancesca D’Ambrosio
Consent and accountability: the poles of online personal data trade
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Alice De Nuccio
Public Administration and birthrate support in the Spanish legal system
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Olena Yara, Olena Artemenko, Oleksii Lytvyn, Viktor Ladychenko, Оlena Gulac
Legal principles of activities of public administration entities, which carry out measures in the field of prevention and control of domestic violence
Rostyslav А. Kаliuzhnyj
Advantages and disadvantages of local government reform in Ukraine and foreign countries: a comparative legal analysis
Iurii G. Barabash, Natalya M. Vapnyarchuk, Halyna V. Tatarenko, Ivan I. Omelko, Malvina V. Danylova
Comparative analysis of social protection models of the European Union and Ukraine
Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Oleksandr М. Pyzhov, Olena S. Arsentieva, Volodymyr М. Harashchuk, Mykola I. Inshyn
Alternative resolution of public law disputes in administrative proceedings of European Union member states