Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): P.A. Persona e Amministrazione - Vol. IX, File 2, 2021
P.A. Persona e Amministrazione - Vol. IX, File 2, 2021

The monographic section of this issue, like the one in issue II / 2020, is made up of the responses to the call-for-papers promoted by the Journal.
As in the previous year, it was a call-for-papers that had a long gestation in the debate of the Management of the magazine. On the topic - inequalities - the Management of the Magazine presented a contribution a few months before the call-for-papers started - a text that is published at the opening of the first part of the section; subsequently, with an original contribution but which is deeply affected by the discussion within the Management, Antonio Barone presented an appreciated report at the conference of the Association of Professors of Administrative Law (AIPDA) that the magazine is pleased to always publish in the first part of the section and which wants to constitute the conceptual opening of the debate. This first part is followed by the publication of the contributions received as a result of the call-for-papers.
With the monographic section of this booklet, a reflection is launched that would be extended over time, which methodologically identifies a plexus of problems by unifying them around a key word - in the case, inequalities.
The term chosen must be synthetic both of a series - partly unexplored - of theoretical possibilities that for various reasons have not yet been adequately explored - in the case of that of this dossier, mainly, the considerable influence of political elements that have overshadowed its legal significance. On the other hand, the term object of reflection must be placed at the intersection of a plexus of problems, which allows both critical analysis and systematic reconstruction. Furthermore, it must deal with a system of problems that critically detect as regards the evolution of the legal system and of the rights of the person.
What is presented is the first attempt to move in this direction, not towards the creation of a critical dictionary of essential legal terms, but - according to the constant effort of the Journal - to place itself along the ridges in which the relationship between rights, powers and organizations is transformed, in the perspective of seriously addressing the task of the jurist with respect to the demands of society and the human person.

I - Monographic Section

AIPDA Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Diritto Amministrativo
Diseguaglianze territoriali insostenibili e doveri perequativi inderogabili: FORUM Next Generation EU
.pdf (Italiano)
Antonio Barone
The time of equalisation: the South in the NRRP
.pdf (Italiano)
Luca R. Perfetti
Equality vs. inequalities: Equality as ‘duty of the Republic’, its grounds on fundamental rights and the inconsistent outcome of the Italian legal system
.pdf (Italiano)
Maria Cristina
Territorial divide, social cohesion and protection of rights: the role of the regions in times of crisis
.pdf (Italiano)
Valentina Giannelli
(Un)equal contractors: Constitution and limits to the exercise of bargaining power
.pdf (Italiano)
Carla Acocella, Giuseppe Laneve
Smart Cities and Rights: new perspectives of Consumption in the light of Sociability
.pdf (Italiano)
Barbara Verzicco
On decisory self-protection and the inexhaustibility of administrative power in the context of structural reforms of the pandemic emergency
.pdf (Italiano)
Marco Buccarella
The prohibition of age discrimination in italian public competitions. Some considerations on the decision of the E.U. Court of Justice, Third Section, No. 914 of 3 June 2021, concerning the age limit for admission to the italian competition for appointmen
.pdf (Italiano)
Fabio Pacini
Inequalities and legislative techniques. The case of a sectoral reorganisation “code” that was “promised” and never implemented
.pdf (Italiano)
Mimma Rospi
Protection of the right to vote as a bound to inequalities after the pandemic emergency
.pdf (Italiano)
Ignazio Impastato
Hegemony vs. sovereignty: beyond the rule of law for a global dis-order? Light food for (a-new-cosmopolitan legal) thought
.pdf (Italiano)
Biagio G.
A new season for tailor-made laws? Tailor-made laws in the social and legal framework: from the erosion of strict scrutiny to the spreading of administration reserve
.pdf (Italiano)
Alessandra Amore
The intervention state in the pnrr scenario: an administrative socio-health organization of equality in nature
.pdf (Italiano)

II - Studies

Andrea Carbone
Considerations on Administrative Power and Subjective Positions. A Proposal
.pdf (Italiano)
Franco Gaetano Scoca
Tiny contribution to the discussion over Andrea Carbone’s theses
.pdf (Italiano)
Vincenzo Cerulli Irelli
Towards New Conceptions of the Administrative Power and the Judicial Protection of Individual Positions?
.pdf (Italiano)
Michele Trimarchi
Administrative power and subjective legal situations between substantive law and process. some observation
.pdf (Italiano)
Enrico Zampetti
Reflections on administrative judicial procedure and subjective juridical situations in dialogue with andrea carbone
.pdf (Italiano)
Jakub Handrlica
Burnt by the Sun of International Administrative Law: A Sketch of a Legal Chameleon
.pdf (Italiano)
Pavlo V. Vovk
Amendments to the Modern Processual Form of Administrative Proceedings under Condition of Quarantine Caused by COVID-19
.pdf (Italiano)
Carmela Leone
Moral suasion and antitrust law
.pdf (Italiano)
Fabio G. Angelini
Administrative judge and regulation of the energy industry
.pdf (Italiano)
Graziana Urbano
Reflection on the remedies (preventive or subsequent) provided by the order to the assumptions of non-execution of the administrative court by the administration
.pdf (Italiano)
Maddalena Ippolito
The Digital Heritage of Culture: an opportunity to enjoy cultural heritage “barrier-free”
.pdf (Italiano)
Gianluca Romagnoli
The (substantial) impact of the action of the so-called independent authorities on the economic dynamics of the so-called regulated markets and its cultural reasons
.pdf (Italiano)
Benedetta Giordano, Nicoletta Pica
Interventions on margins: territorial inequalities and the potential of horizontal subsidiarity: Urban suburbs and inner areas as an opportunity for national solidarity, growth and civil development
.pdf (Italiano)