Food in-securities and (political) consumerism in the global risk society
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food safety
food security
risk society

How to Cite

Bordignon, F., Ceccarini, L., & Silla, C. (2021). Food in-securities and (political) consumerism in the global risk society. Argomenti, (18).


The article provides a theoretical framework for the study of these concepts and an attempt at empirical measurement. The concepts of food safety and food security are framed within the theoretical debate on the global risk society, focusing on the interconnections between insecurity/safety and risks, sustainability, consumption, and participation. The first results of a survey carried out by the Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP) of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in the context of the project Sustainability and food [in]security, are then illustrated. This research makes it possible to outline the degree and dimensions of food safety and food security in the Italian adult population, study its connection with attitudes towards sustainability, and identify the factors that influence food choice. The analysis also considers the interplay between consumption and social and political commitment, in their diachronic evolution.
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