The extra-ordinary as a constitutive condition of ordinary. Psycho-physical welfare of youth university students during the Covid-19 pandemics
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How to Cite

D'Ambrosio, G., Sonzogni, B., & Germani, D. (2023). The extra-ordinary as a constitutive condition of ordinary. Psycho-physical welfare of youth university students during the Covid-19 pandemics. Argomenti, (26).


The work presented is aimed at investigating the implications deriving from cases of global emergency in terms of redefining the assets of ordinary life. In particular, the hypothesis explored is that of a weakening of the stabilization networks of behavior models, resulting from the destructuring of the priority orders of daily life. Starting from this perspective, the research explores the results obtained from a web survey conducted in 2021 on university’ students. The analysis explores the variations and influences of the cognitive-emotional dimension on the active dimension, especially considering the aspects of physical and mental well-being.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriella D'Ambrosio, Barbara Sonzogni, Dario Germani