Responsabilità sociale di territorio, network sinergici e governo locale

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Responsabilità sociale di Territorio
network regionali

Come citare

DelBaldo, M., & Demartini, P. (2016). Responsabilità sociale di territorio, network sinergici e governo locale. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2016-03-05
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2016-09-28
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2016-12-31


The Territorial Social Responsibility  is a relatively new concept that emphasizes the shift from corporate social responsibility - CSR to a collective vision, in which the subject of socially oriented strategies is the community, the territory, intended as a whole. This study, therefore, intends to illustrate and evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives taken by the local government (with particular reference to the Marche Region) to promote the creation of regional networks aimed at creating a sustainable development model. Our assumption is that public policies to support CSR are likely to have little effect if they are not modeled according to the peculiarities of the specific area in which businesses are rooted.

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