Innovative local policy instruments enabling sustainable innovation: benchmarking worldwide best practices
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Parole chiave

Eco-innovation Sustainable innovation Sustainable development Local Policy instrument Policy approach

Come citare

Mazzanti, M., Tapia, C., & Pegoraro, A. (2020). Innovative local policy instruments enabling sustainable innovation: benchmarking worldwide best practices. Argomenti, (16), 101–131.


In order to tackle climate change related threats, international policy leaders developed an agenda for sustainable development and try to boost the dissemination of eco-innovations. This work investigates how innovative policy instruments and approaches enabling innovation for sustainable development are successfully implemented at the local level. Results show that the main enabler is strong collaboration among the different stakeholders. Other enabling factors are the presence of initial and ongoing training, the development of an advertising campaign and the government’s commitment and open approach towards innovative sustainable practices.

Keywords: Eco-innovation, Sustainable development, Policy instrument
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