Diversity and entrepreneurship in the city of Athens: Different views and ambiguous perceptions of local entrepreneurs

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Balampanidis, D. (2017). Diversity and entrepreneurship in the city of Athens: Different views and ambiguous perceptions of local entrepreneurs. Argomenti, (8), 49–72. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.1053


The aim of this paper is to explore the role that the increasing urban diversity plays in the establishment, development and competitiveness of entrepreneurship. The study focuses on a central neighbourhood of Athens (Akadimia Platonos) and takes into account the condition of a long and continuous economic crisis. Research questions are explored through in-depth interviews with local entrepreneurs. The main argument of the paper is that perceptions of urban diversity differ depending on the individual profile of the interviewees and the aspects of diversity being discussed. It is suggested that the issue of urban diversity should be opened up to public debate, the aim being to understand and adequately address all its multiple aspects and effects on entrepreneurship and everyday life in general.


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