Diversity, entrepreneurship and local embeddedness. A case study in Milan, Italy

Parole chiave

mixed embeddedness
immigrant entrepreneurship

Come citare

Barberis, E. (2017). Diversity, entrepreneurship and local embeddedness. A case study in Milan, Italy. Argomenti, (7), 15–39. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.1052


This article is aimed to analyse the relationship between diversity, entrepreneurship and embeddedness. Diversity is considered in terms of a variety of features of the enterprise, the entrepreneur, and the local context where the business operates. Socio-economic embeddedness is considered in its mixed and territorial dimensions. Local embeddedness and neighbourhood diversity do intersect in producing specific  configurations, so that the enterprise may both benefit from and contribute to the local diversity, or may just exploit it with no attention to its reproduction. This hypothesis is tested with a qualitative study based on interviews with entrepreneurs in Milan, Italy.

Keywords: mixed embeddedness, immigrant entrepreneurship, diversity, immigration

JEL classification: L26; J15.


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