Purpose. In this editorial we examine the issue of the relationship between entrepreneurship and consumption by framing it within the concept of unconventional entrepreneurship. The literature that has addressed the issue, the premises to the definition of the topic, is examined.
Design/methodology/approach . The literature has recently identified a promising field of research in the contribution of consumption experiences to entrepreneurship. The processes of consumption and entrepreneurship have long been denied joint observation.
Findings. This editorial is intended to emphasize the importance of the path of research on the topic from the perspective of small business studies, since the relationship between the two major processes, those of entrepreneurship and consumption, can take on special significance in generating new businesses and often, though not necessarily, small businesses.
Practical and Social implications. The goal of this editorial is to stimulate the observation of phenomena that influence the relationship between consumption and entrepreneurship, while also examining the implications in new directions, such as the analysis of the relationship between entrepreneurship and community in a changing society and policies to support entrepreneurship.
Originality of the study. The paper presents some conectts derived from a long shared research path and proposes some key ideas from a perspective defined as tribal and unconventional entrepreneurship.
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