Passion between consumption and entrepreneurship: an exploratory analysis of comic publishers' case studies
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Salvietti, G., & Ranfagni, S. (2021). Passion between consumption and entrepreneurship: an exploratory analysis of comic publishers’ case studies. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (1).
Received 2020-02-16
Accepted 2021-03-10
Published 2021-06-03


This article aims to intervene in the academic debate on entrepreneurialpassion, with respect to the innovative and dynamic forms thathave been configured as linking forces between entrepreneurship andconsumption. Starting from recent contributions, which defined theconcept of “connecting passion” and identified its main components,this work aims to further deepen its knowledge and dynamics by exploringa market characterized by a strong artistic and cultural feature.The authors propose a case study analysis involving companiesoperating in the Italian comic books publishing market. Through thediscussion of empirical results, it will be shown that creativity is crucialand intertwined to passion in allowing entrepreneurs to managetheir business venture while expressing themselves and consequentlyremaining both artists and consumers as well.
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