2015: QUO VADIS EUROPA? Stabilità e crescita nell'ordinamento europeo
QUO VADIS EUROPA? Stabilità e crescita nell'ordinamento europeo

A cura di Antonio Cantaro

[Quo vadis Europa? Stability and growth in the European legal system]. Financial stability and growth have become, since the “sovereign debt crisis”, the cornerstone of every speech on the present and future of Europe. But what are the causes of the irresistible rise of these two values in the economic constitution of the Union and of the Member States? And what are, above all, the political, legal, social, institutional implications of the ascent of stability and growth to “Grundnorm” of the European legal system? The various essays in this issue of the journal provide, each from a specific point of view, answers to these crucial questions about the recent past and the destiny of the Old Continent.

Key Words:
Structural reforms, economic constitution, sovereign debt crisis, Fiscal compact, stability and growth pact