Fostering student entrepreneurial skills in sshs. The case of “impresa in aula”
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Parole chiave

soft skills
entrepreneurship education
entrepreneurship competence

Come citare

Cerquetti, M., Compagnucci, L., Cossiri, A., Gistri, G., & Spigarelli, F. (2021). Fostering student entrepreneurial skills in sshs. The case of “impresa in aula”. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (1).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2020-01-25
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-09-14
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-05-05


This paper paper focuses on the role of universities instimulating students’ entrepreneurial skills. After analysinginnovations introduced by European policies, the studydiscusses the main limitations of the scientific debate on entrepreneurshipcompetences and education. Aiming to fillthis gap, the research presents the results of a survey involving75 students of the University of Macerata (Italy), whoparticipated and did not participate in “IMpresa INaula”, aproject promoted by the Regional Government of the MarcheRegion in 2019. The quali-quantitative research allows bothto measure students’ personal, interpersonal and technicalskills and investigate teamwork propensity and participants’perception of “IMpresa INaula”. The study aims atunderstanding the correlation between student participationin experiential learning activities and the developmentof soft skills, also providing practical recommendations forimplementing entrepreneurship education in the field of socialsciences and humanities.
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