Reti di piccole imprese per l’innovazione: il caso neftech

Parole chiave

cross-sectional networks
hi-tech SMEs

Come citare

Bonti, M., Cori, E., & Palazzolo, G. (2012). Reti di piccole imprese per l’innovazione: il caso neftech. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2013-07-17
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2013-07-17
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2012-12-29


While innovation is called upon as an answer to the global slump, there isn’t a shared idea about “what innovation and how to be innovative”, especially when it refers to SMEs. This paper sets the findings of the early stage of a research aimed at highlighting the role of inter-organizational processes supporting innovation that has cross-sectional nature and involves SMEs. The object of the research is the start-up process of a cross-sectional network, focused on product innovation, consisting in six hi-tech small and micro firms, located in the Region Emilia-Romagna. Theoretical background includes contributions on open innovation and learning by interacting, directly referred to SMEs. The analysis tries to identify some preliminary conditions to the establishment of successful cross-sectional networks and some “tools” to set off so that they work effectively.

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