Purpose. This paper aims to explore how Italian innovative startups with a social goal approach their social impact assessment and how/if this approach has changed over time. These companies are obliged to draw up a “Social Impact Description Document”.
Design/methodology/approach. We perform an exploratory analysis, through longitudinal multiple case studies, to answer these research questions: (RQ1) What is the approach to social impact assessment by Italian innovative startups with a social goal?; (RQ2) How does this approach change over time? Firms in our analysis were chosen through a criterion sampling strategy. We used the Italian Business Register as database (updated at november, 2022). Data gathered through the multiple case studies have been analyzed by content analysis; moreover, we compared the content of the Social Impact Description Documents of firms with the framework provided in 2015 by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. Finally, we conducted an interview with one of the reference firms.
Findings. The approach to social impact assessment still turns out to be a fulfillment of a compulsory requirement to receive/maintain the status of innovative startup with a social goal; structure and content of the documents appear almost unchanged over time, revealing a still poor awareness about this relevant issue. These critical evidences are mitigated if the fim is also a benefit corporation.
Practical and Social implications. The study aims to awake the attention of firms to consolidate increasingly effective solutions to assess their social impact, because this is also a driver to ensure sustainable development.
Originality of the study. The value of our study can be traced in providing an original contribution to the existing literature, as the studies referring to impact assessments in innovative firms in Italy are still limited (Vesperi and Lenzo, 2016; Piccarozzi, 2017; Gallo and Vannoni, 2021); in addition, it provides an in-depth analysis of social impact description documents.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valeria Vannoni, Federica Palazzi, Annalisa Sentuti