Recensione di C. D’Essì, M. Floris, Le imprese familiari. Fisionomia di un fenomeno in evoluzione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017.
PDF (Italiano)


family business
family business member
psychological approach

How to Cite

Conti, E. (2021). Recensione di C. D’Essì, M. Floris, Le imprese familiari. Fisionomia di un fenomeno in evoluzione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3).
Received 2020-11-24
Accepted 2020-12-13
Published 2021-02-20


 This book proposes a new perspective to analyze the heterogeneous world of family businesses, applying the Psychological Ownership Theory which allows family business members to attribute meaning – sensemaking – to this kind of business. In particular, it systematizes the literature in an original way and suggests an innovative conceptual framework/definition of family business consisting of a founding part, common to all these businesses, and a dynamic part, unique for every business. This book may be useful for scholars, managers, students and family business members themselves.
PDF (Italiano)

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