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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has not been previously published, nor it has been sent to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (from the journal’s “About” page).
  • The Authors declare that they have read and approved the Author Statement contained in the Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

author guidelines.pdf



Linguæ & is a peer-reviewed top tier Journal. 

All submitted works judged suitable for review undergo anonymous double-blind review process. Papers will be evaluated by at least two referees and, following their indications, will be either accepted, or returned to the  authors for corrections, or rejected. The final decision is the responsibility of the General Editor and will be given within four months. Exceptionally, invited papers will be published. 

In submitting works to the journal, Authors agree that their works may be published (if accepted). Submission of a  work does not guarantee acceptance. 

Only original articles are accepted for publication. Submission of a contribution to this Journal represents certification  on the part of the author(s) that neither the paper submitted nor a translation of it has been published or is being considered  for publication elsewhere.  


By submitting their proposal, the Authors accept the publication conditions of the Journal and implicitly sign the Author  Statement. Please pay particular attention to the paragraph concerning Figures (2).  


Misprints should be eliminated. 

Personal data with affiliation and a short bio (up to 100 words) should also be supplied during Registration. Papers should be no longer than 6.500 words including quotations, references, and footnotes, tables or graphics.  

An Abstract in English (not shorter than 120 words nor longer than 150 words) should also be supplied. It must have a  title (in italics) if the article is written in another language. 

Five keywords in English should also be supplied. 

Uniformity and consistency of the segmentation of the text into sections, sub-sections, and paragraphs is recommended.  Headings should be numbered. Up to three levels of headings may be used (e.g. 1. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.2. - 2. 2.1. 2.1.1.  2.1.2. 2.2.). Blank lines which are not correlated to titles must not be used.  

There should be uniformity and consistency in the use of italic and quotation marks. Avoid combined use of them unless it is absolutely necessary. Avoid underlining and bold characters. 

Please use double smart quotes (“...”) for quoted material up to 40 words. Single smart quotes (‘...’) can be used inside a  quote introduced by double quotation marks, and – outside quotations – to highlight a personal use of a term. Use only smart quotes. Avoid straight quotes.  

Quoted material of more than 40 words should be displayed as an indented block quote, with a blank line above and  below, without quotation marks. Long quotes in a language different from French, English, Italian, and Spanish must be  translated in a note. The translation of in-text short quotations follows immediately inside brackets. E.g. “Er kam” 

Please be consistent in the use of capitalization for acronyms, institutions, etc. as well. Avoid total capitalization and small  capitals for the names of authors and for the titles and subtitles of your article. Initial capital and small letters are to be  used.  

Punctuation should be consistent, including where it is used in figures and numbering (thousands, decimals, etc.).  FONTS AND SYMBOLS 

Garamond is the official font of the Journal.  

At the end of the text, authors will supply a complete list of all the symbols they have used, which do NOT belong to  the basic Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Arabic alphabets. 


Photographs, drawings, graphs and graphics are all identified as “Figures”. Figures and Tables should be  numbered consecutively using two separate numerical sequences starting from Figure 1 and Table 1. References to  figures and tables should always be quoted in the chosen position within the text.  

All figures and tables must be accompanied by an italicized caption. An image caption follows the picture; a table  caption precedes the table.  

Figures can be reproduced only if they are free of copyright restrictions (see Author Statement). The sources of figures and tables reproduced from other publications should be cited. 

Figures (including graphs) will be reproduced without any additional adjustment, with the same definition and quality  as the original.  

Figures must be embedded into the text and also supplied separately in the original electronic format (.TIF, .JPG).  In order to guarantee a good rendition, images must be high-resolution ones (i.e. scanned at 300 dpi or photographed at  the highest possible resolution allowed by the used camera). 

In order to result of good quality, tables and graphs deriving from Word, Excel, and yED must be submitted in an  editable format (NOT as images).  

Formulas should be supplied in MathType editable format (NOT as images or objects). CITATION AND  REFERENCE STYLE  

References and footnotes should follow the author-date system of citing references, as described in The Chicago  Manual of Style. 17th ed. ( For more  details please refer to the instructions and examples provided below.  


Notes must be numbered consecutively and linked to the note numbers in the text; they would otherwise be  totally unusable when texts are prepared for layout. References in the notes also follow the Author-date style.  

Numbers of footnotes should always be positioned before the punctuation mark; however, when at the end of  indented block quotes, they should be placed after the final full stop.  


Though it is advisable to limit them, if necessary use: bulleted lists; numbers in brackets [(1), (2), etc.]; lowercase letters  followed by period [(1) a. … b. … (2) a. … (3) a. … b. … c. … etc.] 


All in-text and footnote references should be itemized in a List of References at the end of the text.  

Multiple citations should be in chronological order, and, if in the same year, alphabetical within year (e.g. Hartem 2004;  Arkam 2005; Bolding 2005; Kent and Cowler 2006).  

For works with three or more authors include all authors only in the List of References, while in the In-Text entry cite  only the last name of the first author, followed by et al. (italics). Where there is more than one publication by an author  in the same year, add a letter to the year to distinguish them. Eg. (Smith 1999a). 

In case of a series of references from the same source (when no other is mentioned in between) a bracketed number is  sufficient to signal the page: (109). Please use (ibid.) when the same source is cited consecutively two or more times. If the  same source but different page is quoted, follow ‘ibid.with a comma and the new page number(s): (ibid., 25). When writing  inclusive numbers in the same hundred, the last two figures should be given (ex. 11-18, 35-39, 103-07, 1273-81), but 385- 401 and 1278- 320 (because the hundred also changes). 


Supply a list of references – under the sub-heading ‘References’ – in alphabetical order according the authors’ surname  and place it at the end of the work. A list of references should only include items cited in the text and notes.  

There should be uniformity in bibliographical references. References should be complete. Please double-check to be  certain that all dates given in parenthetical citations and in the List of references section are identical.  

Avoid total capitalization and small capitals for the names of authors. Initial capital and small letters are to be  used. Use full names whenever possible.  

The titles of volumes, journals, plays and films should appear in italics. 

The titles of articles, chapters, poems and short stories should appear in plain text, between double smart quotes  (“...”). Avoid straight quotes. 

Subtitles of volumes in French, German, Italian and Spanish are separated from the main title by a full stop, by a colon if  they are in English. Subtitles of articles and chapters in German and Italian are separated from the main title by a full  stop; by a colon if they are in English, French and Spanish. All lexical words are capitalized for English titles.  



Kennedy, Elspeth. 1991. Lancelot and the Grail: A Study of the Prose Lancelot. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 

Clausson, Nils. 2008. “Literary Art in an Age of Formula Fiction and Mass Consumption: Double Coding in Arthur Conan  Doyle’s ‘The Blue Carbuncle’”. Studies in Popular Culture 31 (1): 39-54.  


Aurell, Martin. 1989. La vielle et l’épée. Troubadours et politique en Provence au XIIIe siècle. Paris: Aubier. 

Frija, Gabrielle. 2018. “Les notables de Stratonicée de Carie àl’époque antonine: hétérogénéité juridique, homogénéité sociale”. Revue des Études Anciennes 120 (1): 121-40.  


Grüning, H. G. 1992a. Die zeitgenössische Literatur Südtirols. Probleme, Profile, Texte. Ancona: Edizioni Nuove Ricerche. Grüning,  H. G. 1992b. “‘Unsere Muttersprache ist das Schweigen’. Konstanten der (Selbst)-Darstellung literarischen  

Schaffens in Südtirol”. In Id., Autorappresentazione e rappresentazione dell’altro. Forme, modelli, strutture, 29-48. Ancona: Nuove  Ricerche (Heteroglossia 8).  


Ginzburg, Carlo. 2006. Il filo e le tracce. Vero falso finto. Milano: Feltrinelli. 

Punzi, Arianna. 2014. “Quando il personaggio esce dal libro. Il caso di Galeotto signore delle isole lontane”. In Dai pochi ai  molti. Studi in onore di Roberto Antonelli. A cura di Paolo Canettieri e Arianna Punzi, 23-40. Roma: Viella. 

BUT (for the subtitle is a list): 

Renzi, Luca. 2018. “A proposito di alcuni scrittori dell’Alto Adige e non: Joseph Zoderer, Sabine Gruber, Francesca Melandri”. Linguæ & 17 (2): 39-55.  


Hernández, Miguel Ángel. 2019. Aquíi y ahora. Diario de escritura. Madrid: Fórcola Ediciones. 

Sanmartín Sáez, Julia. 1999. “A propósito de los sufijos apreciativos en la conversación coloquial: sus valores semánticos y  pragmáticos”. Oralia 2: 185-219.  


Grüning, H. G. 1992a. Die zeitgenössische Literatur Südtirols. Probleme, Profile, Texte. Ancona: Edizioni Nuove Ricerche.

Grüning, H. G. 1992b. “‘Unsere Muttersprache ist das Schweigen’. Konstanten der (Selbst)-Darstellung literarischen  Schaffens in Südtirol”. In Id., Autorappresentazione e rappresentazione dell’altro. Forme, modelli, strutture, 29-48. Ancona: Nuove  Ricerche (Heteroglossia 8).  

If persons are editors, follow the conventions of the place of publication: bracket ed. for single editor or eds. for multiple  editors after the final name, followed by a full stop, if the text is in English: (ed.). Use (dir.) for French texts, (hg. von) for  German ones, (a cura di) for Italian ones, (coord. por) for Spanish texts. Similarly, use and, et, und, e, y, respectively. 

For books with one author use reverse name with comma. For books with two or more authors use same order as on title page (not alphabetical); only reverse name of first author. 

URLs and the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), where available, should be used to provide access information for  electronic materials. The latest access must be signaled simply by day/month/year between brackets if there is no DOI.  A separate section for audio visual media should be created in the List of References.  

When works by an author who is also editor and co-editor are mentioned, list first those of which s/he is single author, then  those of which s/he is editor and, finally, those where s/he is co-editor (each section in its own time and alphabetical  sequence). EXAMPLES

Melchiori, Giorgio. 1973. L’uomo e il potere. Indagine sulle strutture profonde dei Sonetti di Shakespeare. Torino: Einaudi.  Melchiori, Giorgio. 1981. “Introduzione”. In Melchiori e Gabrieli (a cura di) 1981, 11-57. 

Melchiori, Giorgio (a cura di). 1964. Poeti metafisici inglesi del Seicento. Milano: Vallardi. 

Melchiori, Giorgio, e Vittorio Gabrieli (a cura di). 1981. The Book of Sir Thomas More. Bari: Adriatica.  SUBMISSION PROCESS 

In order to submit works to the Journal, and to check the status of current submissions, authors need to register and login  to the journal website. If already registered, authors can simply log in to enter their reserved area. 

To preserve the integrity of the peer-review process, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of authors and  reviewers from becoming known to each other. Please cancel any name from the file properties. 

Important warning: maximum size allowed for the files to be uploaded: 20MB. Files that exceed this limit must be  separated into two or more files.  


Since there is no proofreading by Authors, they are kindly requested to communicate any error or misprint, though no  changes are allowed at this stage. Some formal editing might be necessary before publication. 

All accepted works will remain permanently published on the website.  


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.