Ten years later. How the Italian university system has changed with the Gelmini reform


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Gelmini reform
managerial culture
university policies

How to Cite

Carbone, D. (2021). Ten years later. How the Italian university system has changed with the Gelmini reform. Argomenti, (19). https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.2305
Received 2020-10-16
Accepted 2021-08-16
Published 2021-08-31


The article examines the transformations of the Italian university system in the decade following the approval of the reform law 240 of December 2010. Through a longitudinal perspective, based on data from the Ministry of Education and Universities, the contribution explores the changes that have occurred on the main actors of this system: i.e. the employees working in the Italian Universities and the student population attending the various courses. The results of the analysis highlight a broad and complex redefinition of the political, cultural and economic scenario within which the action of these actors takes place, that is accompanied by the emergence of new social fractures in this system as well as the intensification of other already existing ones.

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