The role of ICT, skills and organizational change in public sector performance

Parole chiave

Public Sector Innovation
Organizational Change

Come citare

Zanfei, A., & Seri, P. (2016). The role of ICT, skills and organizational change in public sector performance. Argomenti, (3), 5–30.


This paper accounts for recent developments in the literature on public sector innovation and offers some insights on the conceptual and empirical issues that are raised to evaluate the complementarity between ICT adoption and performance in the case of public administrations. From this perspective, three separate sets of conceptual and empirical issues need be tackled. First, one has to address the analytical problem of measuring performance in the case of public sector. Second, one needs to evaluate the specific role of ICT in modernizing the public sector. Third, the interactions between ICT, organizational change and skills should be examined more explicitly to assess their joint impact on public sector performance.

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