Gli effetti della Stampa 3D sulla competitività aziendale. Il caso delle imprese orafe del distretto di Arezzo

Parole chiave

Stampa 3D
innovazione di processo
3D Printing
process innovation

Come citare

Zollo, L., Marzi, G., Boccardi, A., & Ciappei, C. (2016). Gli effetti della Stampa 3D sulla competitività aziendale. Il caso delle imprese orafe del distretto di Arezzo. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (2).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2015-07-13
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2016-09-15
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2016-09-15


The aim of the present research is to analyse the 3D Printing phenomenon, which is considered as a process innovation in manufacturing firms, by investigating its effects on competitiveness and performance. To this aim, a qualitative analysis has been conducted based on multiple case studies in Arezzo’s gold district. Particularly, in this study, the authors used a latent content analysis to assess the semi-structured interviews with managers and entrepreneurs. The empirical results stress how 3D Printing allows the firms to realize new products with better design and quality. It also emerged the customers’ willingness to pay higher prices implying the rise of income and profit. Hence, 3D Printing seems to represent a valid trajectory for the sustainable development of manufacturing firms.

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