Le aziende “bonsai”quale fattispecie di sviluppo aziendale armonico - Un’analisi di campo sul fenomeno del nanismo aziendale

Parole chiave

Non-growth firm

Come citare

Fasone, V. (2008). Le aziende “bonsai”quale fattispecie di sviluppo aziendale armonico - Un’analisi di campo sul fenomeno del nanismo aziendale. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (2). https://doi.org/10.14596/pisb.98
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2013-07-21
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2013-07-21
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2008-08-29


This paper focuses the subject of “business dwarfism” (in Italy commonly labeled as nanismo aziendale. The implicit hypothesis adopted by socio-economic and political debate approaching the phenomenon defines the so called ‘dwarf’ businesses as entity affected by a structural weakness and characterised by similar features. An empirical analysis carried out in the recent past underline that in the wide spectrum of “business dwarfism” is possible to characterize different categories of firms (marginal,conservative, rickety e bonsai) depending on the level of entrepreneur’s inclination to change status quo and the consistency level of business strategic assets. In this research, we will try to analyse if in the specific category of ‘dwarf’ businesses named bonsai, the general assumption based on which the whole population of ‘dwarf’ businesses are affected by a structural weakness, it should be accepted or rejected.

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