Small enterprises’ development is not correlated only to a dimensional growth, describedby traditional structural (employees) or economic (revenue) parameters, but it can be betterdefined by several indicators, able to grasp a qualitative improvement.The qualitative perspective about firm’s growth moves the focus of analysis on theexistence of excellence conditions with reference to markets, products, processes andnetworks. In this perspective the application of methodologies linked to the culturalmovement of Total Quality Management (TQM) is a valid approach to understand businessgrowth patterns.The article analyses an experience of business growth, obtained through TQM adoption.A case study was carried out on a small enterprise, producing liquors – Villa Massa – winnerof the European Excellence Award in 2007, one of the most prestigious European awards.Villa Massa’s commitment towards TQM is analysed through the nine criterias of EFQMmodel.The quality orientation integrating both cultural and operational aspects sets up the firmas value creator. Villa Massa puts into practice TQM focusing on all the firm’s stakeholdersand conceiving quality as a value creating process in a network view.Riferimenti bibliografici
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Calafati A., (2005), “La competitività delle imprese: un quadro teorico di riferimento”, in Le piccole e medie imprese dell’economia italiana, Rapporto 2005 Istituto Tagliacarne, Roma.
Cavalieri E. (1981), Sul tema della dimensione d’impresa, Edizioni Kappa, Roma
Colurcio M- Mele C. (2005), Management della Qualità, McGraw-Hill, Milano.
Colurcio M., Russo Spena T. (2007), Conoscenza ed innovazione: driver di crescita aziendale in un settore tradizionale. Il caso Rago Group, XII Convegno Aidea Giovani “ La crescita aziendale” Università degli studi Magna Grascia, Catanzaro.
Combe I.A., Botschen G., (2004) “Strategy paradigms for the management of quality: dealing with complexity”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, No. 5/6, pp.500-523.
Compagno C., (2003), “Piccole e medie imprese in transizione”, Utet, Torino.
Conti T., (2004) Qualità: un’occasione perduta?, Etas, Milano.
Cortesi a., Alberi F , Salvato c. (2004), Le piccole imprese: struttura gestione, percorsi evolutivi, Carocci, Roma.
Dean J.W. Bowen B.E. (1994) “Management Theory and Total Quality: Improving Research and Practice through Theory Development”, Academy of Management Review Vol 19 No 3, pp. 392 – 418.
Deming w. E. (1986), Out of crisis, quality, productivity and competitive position, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Denzin N., Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.) (1998), Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Di Bernardo B. (1990), Le dimensioni d’impresa: scala scopo varietà, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Drucker P., (1976) Management, Etas, Milano.
Eisenhardt K., (1989), Building theory form case study research, Academy of management review, vol. 14, n. 4.
Fanelli A., (1999) “La qualità totale è morta? Alla ricerca di un capro espiatorio”, Economia & Management, 2: 65-71.
Grant R.M., Shani R., Krishnan R. (1994) “TQM’s Challenge to Management Theory and Practice”, Sloan Management Review, Winter.
Gummesson, E. (2000), Qualitative Methods in Management Research, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA (revised second edition).
Hackman, J. R., Wageman, R. (1995) “Total Quality Management: Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues”, Administrative Science Quarterly, No. 40, pp. 309 – 342.
Mele C., (2003) Marketing e qualità nell’impresa che crea valore, Cedam, Padova.
Mele C., (2004) “Il Quality Management”, De Qualitate, gennaio.
Mele C., (2007) “The synergic relationship between TQM and marketing in creating customer value, Managing Service Quality, 17(3).
Mele C., Colurcio M, (2006), “The evolving path of TQM: towards business excellence and stakeholder value”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol.
23, No. 5.
Merli G., Biroli M., (1996), Organizzazione e gestione per processi, Isedi, Torino.
Nanut V. (1984), Modelli dimensionali d’impresa e sistemi industriali, Giuffrè Milano.
Perry, C. (1998), Process of a case study methodology for postgraduate research in marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 9/10, pp. 785-802
Peters T., (1985) In cerca dell’eccellenza, Sperlng & Kupfer, Milano.
Reed R., Lemak D., Mero N.P., (2000) “Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage”, Journal of Quality Management, 5,pp. 5-26.
Rullani E., (1990) “Il puzzle della qualità”, in Economia e politica industriale, 68. Sousa R., Voss C.A., (2002) “Quality management re-visited: a reflective review and agenda for future research” 20, pp. 91-109.
Stampacchia P., Colurcio M., Mele C. (2002) “The real contribute of TQM to business management: a trigger for innovation, business excellence and value creation”, Proceedings “The 7th Word Congress for TQM. Business Excellence: Make it happen ”, Verona, 25-27 June.
Stampacchia P., Mele C., Russo Spena T., Il governo della crescita internazionale in una PMI familiare. Il Caso H&B. Paper presentato al Convegno AIDEA “Family Business e processi di
internazionalizazione”, 18-19 ottobre, Milano
Yin, R., (1994). Case Study Research, Thousand Oaks:Sage, Second Edition
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