Focus and Scope
Piccola Impresa / Small Business aims to contribute to the study of and the spread of information on small-sized entrepreneurial firms, by offering an approachable space where those who do research in this field can freely share the results of their empirical studies and compare their theoretical reasoning and procedures.
It is an academic journal with an international vocation, dedicated specifically to the investigation of and theoretical reflection on the administration and management of small businesses, their role in the economy, as well as the policies and regulations they face. Piccola Impresa/Small Business was started in 1987 by the Associazione per lo studio della piccola e media impresa (Aspi).
The Journal is accredited by the Italian Academy of Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), Q1 quartile multisectoral Journals. It is also ranked as a scientific journal according to ANVUR.
Peer Review Process
Double blind peer review
Association for the study of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
University of Urbino