Purpose. This study aims to determine the impact of coworking spaces (CWS) on knowledge sharing, innovation, and sustainability. Furthermore, it aims to determine whether Tirana has the necessary infrastructure to implement the micro-cluster model, which provides dynamics like industrial clusters but on a micro-level.
Design/methodology/approach. The data collection methods include semi-structured interviews and in-field observations of the events organized by CWS in Tirana. The qualitative research follows the exploratory design approach.
Findings. The research findings are in line with previous international studies. They show that the impact created by CWS in Tirana in terms of knowledge sharing and innovation is quite positive by encouraging new business ideas and new innovative projects. However, findings show that CWS business model sustainability in Tirana is still unclear and under development. Factors like, for example, homogeneity and diversity in terms of the composition of the members of CWS play an essential role in determining the business sustainability of CWS.
Practical and Social implications. Regarding the implications of CWS in knowledge sharing, innovation, and sustainability, CWS are encouraged to be more selective in terms of the composition of members to ensure the longevity of the positive attributes provided by this new form of working. Therefore, CWS are encouraged to create clustered structures. The background from member to member needs to be complementary rather than too diverse. However, a certain degree of diversity is needed in CWS, which makes the process challenging to find the balance between diversity and homogeneity.
Originality of the study. This study follows a previous one applied in Tirana, but this time it considers the micro-cluster perspective which makes the study unique. Therefore, the research model and the research findings provide this study with a distinctive appeal.
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