Passion, creativity, and hard skills in circular entrepreneurship


entrepreneur personality
circular entrepreneurship
circular economy
Italian companies

How to Cite

De Chiara, A., Mauro, S., DAURIA, A., & Sergianni, L. (2024). Passion, creativity, and hard skills in circular entrepreneurship: A multiple case study on Italian companies. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (1).
Received 2023-07-30
Accepted 2024-06-03
Published 2024-08-22


Purpose. Although the personality of the entrepreneur is considered a key determinant of a company's performance, this aspect in companies adopting circular economy practices has been little studied. Therefore, this paper aims to contribute to the literature on the personality of the entrepreneur in firms adopting circular economy practices, and his/her capabilities to manage circular practices.

Design/methodology/approach. A multiple case study method was applied to 10 companies adopting circular economy practices.

Findings. The personality of the entrepreneur is characterized by a specific trait, defined here as passion for environmental issues and interest in social issues. Such as, referring to capabilities, leadership and collaborative skills are considered essential traits.

Practical and Social implications. The elements defining the circular entrepreneur and the ability to integrate different skills as a key element of circular entrepreneurship highlighted in this paper offer policy and theoretical implications for further investigation.

Originality of the study. The study defines the personality of the entrepreneur and his/her ability to manage and sustain circular practices.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Alessandra De Chiara, Sofia Mauro, Anna D'Auria, Luigi Sergianni