The aim of this paper is to examine the role and the development of logistics management in the context of small and medium enterprises as well as in small-sized logistic firms in order to analyse the characteristics of supply and demand of logistic services as regards SMEs. The paper is divided into two main parts. The first one presents the theoretical and empirical framework, while the second underlines the most important results of an empirical survey carried out on two samples of SMEs (respectively consisting in industrial and logistic firms) from two bordering Italian Regions (Marches and Romagna). The attention is particularly focused on the operative and strategic implications. The data collected were utilised in order to discern different aspects: the integration level and complexity of industrial firms, their degree of innovation, their maturity and logistic coherence. At the same time the logistic firms’ competitive behaviour and the level of innovation in their logistic services are investigated. In a final phase of the present research, we try to compare the demand and supply trends and their future perspectives in order to contemplate the opportunities and the barriers of the logistic development of small businesses and the possible areas for improvement.
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