Il ruolo del capitale intellettuale nel successo delle strategie di merger & acquisition delle start-up
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Intellectual Capital

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Masciarelli, F., Di Pietro, F., & Serpente, G. (2020). Il ruolo del capitale intellettuale nel successo delle strategie di merger & acquisition delle start-up. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3).
Received 2019-02-04
Accepted 2019-10-13
Published 2020-03-30


The article proposes a case study of a Merger and Acquisition (M&A) processes in Italy between a temporary agency and an innovative start-up. The aim of the study is to investigate which component of the intellectual capital affects the trust of the companies involved in the M&A process. Results show the key role of trust in start-up’s human capital for the integration of the innovative service into the acquiring company. We suggest that the success of the M&A is given by our model named “circular vision of intellectual capital”.
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