Italian industrial districts between offshoring and back-reshoring strategies
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industrial districts

How to Cite

Ferrucci, L., & Picciotti, A. (2017). Italian industrial districts between offshoring and back-reshoring strategies. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (1).
Received 2016-05-30
Accepted 2017-04-13
Published 2017-05-01


Italian industrial districts have always showed a high international openness which can be related first to their high propensity to export and, later, to their off-shoring activities in foreign countries. However, in the current competitive scenario, some enterprises are reconsidering their internationalization strategies, evaluating competitive conditions present in their district context and pursuing back-reshoring strategies. This work is placed in this field of studies and aims to provide a theoretical contribution in order to interpret the internationalization strategies of district enterprises, highlighting the antecedents of the back-reshoring and the emergence of a structural variety of strategic behavior in the international markets
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