Editing Rules

Legal Research on Administration and Economy


Section I
Preparation of Manuscripts for Publication

The journal does not have a secretarial service for text correction by authors. Therefore, it is ESSENTIAL that every author STRICTLY follows the editorial guidelines, and the Editorial Board WILL DENY PUBLICATION of manuscripts that have passed the peer-review process until they are aligned with the editorial guidelines.

Section II
Language of Manuscripts

The journal accepts Italian, English, Spanish, or French contributions. However, authors must provide the manuscript with a summary of the content and key ideas of the text (highlighting the original contribution offered by the text) to be prepared both in the language of the text and in English (see Section IV below), to enable the dissemination of ideas through the journal on an international level.

Section III
Submission of Manuscripts

The journal subjects the received works to a rigorous peer-review process. Therefore, authors should submit three separate and distinct files: one with the complete text intended for publication, one with the text devoid of references or information that could identify the authors, aimed at ensuring anonymity during the review process, and the last containing the authors' personal data and a statement of commitments. For the correct composition of these three files and the submission procedures, authors must strictly follow the guidelines indicated in the "GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING CONTRIBUTIONS AND THE PEER-REVIEW PROCEDURE" published on the journal's website, which is referred to for further information.

Section IV
Format, Structure, and Maximum Length of Manuscripts

Files should be submitted in .doc or .docx format or equivalent formats easily convertible into the former. The complete text should not have page numbers or headers and must adhere to the following structure in the indicated order:

Author (first name and last name)

Qualification (e.g., "Full Professor of ...")

Affiliation (e.g., "at the Department of ... at the University of ...")

Email address

Title in the language of the text and in English

Summary of the content and key ideas of the text, suitable for highlighting the original contribution provided by the text, in both the language of the text and in English (the Summary in the language of the text and the Abstract in English must be separated from the Title by two blank lines and from each other by a single blank line; the terms "Summary," for the version in the language of the text, and "Abstract," for the English version, should be in uppercase).

Five Keywords in the language of the text and in English (Keywords should be in both languages; keywords in the language of the text and those in English must be separated from the Summary/Abstract by two blank lines and by a simple line break; the terms "Keywords," for the language of the text version, and "Keywords," for the English version, should be in uppercase).

Table of contents with numbers and paragraph titles, separated by hyphens (the Table of Contents should be separated from the Keywords/Keywords by two blank lines; the word "Table of Contents" should be in uppercase). Division into paragraphs (paragraphs should be separated from the Table of Contents and each other by two blank lines).

The text should have a maximum length of 70,000 characters, including spaces (excluding Summary/Abstract and Keywords).

The Summary in the language of the text and the Abstract in English should be as extensive as possible considering the international dissemination of the journal, with a maximum limit of 3,500 characters, including spaces.

Section V
Formatting of Manuscripts

The text should adhere to the following characteristics:

Page layout: Left margin 2.5 cm, Right margin 2.5 cm, Bottom margin 2.5 cm, Top margin 2.5 cm

Line spacing: 1.5 cm, without spacing before or after

Author: Garamond 12 - uppercase; centered at the top

Qualification and Affiliation: Garamond 10; below the author's name; centered

Email address: Garamond 10 - italic; below the qualification and affiliation; centered

Title in the language of the text: Garamond 16 - uppercase and bold; below the email address; centered

Title in English: Garamond 14 - uppercase and bold; below the title in the language of the text; centered

Summary in the language of the text: Garamond 12 - below the English title; justified alignment

Abstract in English: Garamond 12 - below the summary in the language of the text; justified alignment

Keywords in the language of the text: Garamond 10 - below the English abstract; justified alignment

Keywords in English: Garamond 10 - below the keywords in the language of the text; justified alignment

Table of contents: Garamond 9; below the English keywords; justified alignment

Paragraph titles in the text: Garamond 12, with the number and title corresponding to that of the Table of Contents in bold; leave a blank line underneath

Main text: Garamond 12; justified alignment

Footnotes: Garamond 10; justified alignment

Hyphenation: Active

Text indentation: 1 cm

Footnote indentation: 1 cm

Words in a language different from that of the text: Italic In-text citations: Italic and in low quotation marks (e.g., "...")

Abbreviations and acronyms: In plain text (e.g., c.p.a.)

Note numbering: Progressive with Arabic numerals

Reference to notes in the text: Superscript according to the default mode of Microsoft Word or other word processing programs, followed by punctuation after the number (e.g., right of action and standing in administrative proceedings1).

Authorities: Specific authorities should be indicated with an initial capital letter (e.g., the Constitutional Court); when indicated generically, use lowercase (e.g., the courts).

Section VI
Footnotes, Citations in the Text

Citations in the text: Always in italics and low quotation marks (e.g., "citation").

Author: Uppercase (small caps); only the last name and the initial of the first name (e.g., F. BENVENUTI)

Multiple authors: Last names and initials of the first names, as for single authors, separated by commas (e.g., R.H. THALER, C.R. SUNSTEIN).

Work: Italic.

Subsequent citations: Author, work, cit., page (e.g., L.R. PERFETTI, Diritto di azione ed interesse ad agire nel processo amministrativo, cit., p. 1 ff.).

Pages: If referring to a specific sentence in the text, provide the page where it can be found. If referring to the work in general, provide the initial page or passim (e.g., p. 3, especially from 23).

Monographs: AUTHOR, Title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication (e.g., G. PASTORI, La burocrazia, Padua, Cedam, 1967). The place of publication should be indicated in the language of the place. If the work is in multiple volumes or parts, indicate the specific volume (vol.) or part (pt.). If the work has had multiple editions, specify the edition referred to immediately after the title and before the comma (e.g., H.A. SIMON, Administrative Behavior, 2nd ed., New York, Macmillan, 1957). ù

Essays in journals, volumes, encyclopedias: After the title, there will be a comma and "in" followed by the title of the journal, work, or encyclopedia in italic font, along with the indication of any editors (e.g., O. RANELLETTI, Teoria generale delle autorizzazioni e concessioni amministrative. Parte I: Concetto e natura delle autorizzazioni e concessioni amministrative, in Giur. it., 1894, 7 ff.).

Journals: The abbreviated title of the journal will be cited according to the common form, and if there is ambiguity, the full title should be used. The title should be in italics. You should always follow the year, preceded by a comma, if possible, the volume, and the page or column number, followed by a comma (e.g., M.S. GIANNINI, Sociologia e studi di diritto contemporaneo, in Jus, 1957, 2, 223 ff.). For journals published in countries where it is customary to cite the issue rather than the year of publication, indicate the issue in uppercase Arabic numerals and the year in parentheses [e.g., 25, (1984)].

Encyclopedias, commentaries, or treatises: Entries in encyclopedias, contributions to commentaries, or treatises will be as follows: AUTHOR, (entry) in the case of an encyclopedia entry, or (sub) in the case of a commentary Title (in the case of a commentary in which the work assumes the title of the article of law commented on, the title will be just the number of the article, e.g., art. 21), in Title of the encyclopedia or treatise or commentary, "vol." in Roman numerals, place, publisher, year of publication, page. If the treatise or commentary is edited or directed by someone, proceed as follows: AUTHOR, (entry) Title, in Title of the encyclopedia or treatise or commentary, "edited by" Name of the editor(s) or "directed by" Name of the director(s), "vol." in Roman numerals, place, publisher, year of publication, page. Collected volumes: For essays in volumes, proceed as follows: AUTHOR, Title, "in" Title of the volume, "(edited by)" Name of the editor(s) (in plain text), place, publisher, year of publication, page. [e.g., G. CALABRESI, Prefazione, in G. Alpa, F. Pulitini, S. Rodotà, F. Romani (edited by), Interpretazione giuridica e analisi economica, Milan, Giuffrè, 1984, 1 ff.]. The names of the editors can be omitted for conference proceedings, collections of essays, and writings in honor or memory.

Legal precedents: Citation of legal precedents should follow this format: Judging Body, date - always indicate the full month, not just in Arabic numerals - decision number (e.g., Cons. Stato, sez. III, April 20, 2015, no. 1989). If it is necessary to specify the section, it should be placed in brackets immediately after the indication of the judging body and before the date (see above). Whenever a judgment is published, even if only in summary, the full publication details should be included, including the existence, author, and title of any previously published notes or comments (e.g., Cons. Stato, Ad. plen., September 15, 2005, no. 7, in Giust. civ., 2006, 6, 1319 ff. with a note by Micari).

Legislation: Codes and legislative sources should be indicated in acronyms (e.g., cod. civ.; cod. pen.; dir. C.E.). You should indicate the type of provision cited, the full date, and the number (e.g., l. August 7, 1990, no. 241). Subsequent citations can be abbreviated (e.g., l. n. 241/1990). Paragraphs, numbers, and letters of individual articles should be cited as follows: art. 1, para. 2, no. 3, subpar. a); in other words, paragraph is abbreviated to "para." (always punctuated), followed by the paragraph number in Arabic numerals, followed by a comma and, if applicable, the number contained in the paragraph (e.g., "no. 3"), followed by a comma and the italicized abbreviation "subpar." and indicated in parentheses (italic), followed by a closing round bracket.

Section VII

A. author

all. attachment

art. article

artt. articles

c. column

cc. columns

cfr. compare

cit. cited

conf. conform

cpv. subsection

diff. different

n. number

nn. numbers

op. cit. cited work

opp. cit. cited works

op. loc. cit. cited work and place

op. loc. ult. cit. cited work and latest place

op. ult. cit. latest cited work

p. page

pp. pages (use only for indicating page ranges or different pages)

s. following

ss. following

v. see

Atti parl. parliamentary proceedings

c.c. Civil Code

c. comm. Commercial Code

circ. circular

c. nav. Navigation

Code Cost. Constitution of the Republic

c.p. Criminal Code

c.p.c. Code of Civil Procedure

c.p.m.g. Military Penal Code

c.p.m.p. Military Penal Code (peace)

c.p.p. Code of Criminal Procedure

c.d.s. Road Code

c. ass. Insurance Code

c. privacy Personal Data Processing Code

d.c.p.s. Decree of the Provisional Head of State

dir. directive

dir. C.E. European Community directive

dir. C.E.E. European Economic Community directive

disp. att. implementing and transitory provisions

disp. prel. preliminary provisions

disp. reg. regulatory provisions

d.l. Decree-Law

d.l.c.p.s. Decree-Law of the Provisional Head of State

d. lgs. Legislative Decree

d.lgs.lt. Luogotenenziale Legislative Decree

d.l.lt. Luogotenenziale Decree-Law

d.m. Ministerial Decree

d.p.c.m. Decree of the Prime Minister

d.p.giunta reg. Decree of the President of the Regional Council

d.p.r. Decree of the President of the Republic

l. law l. ass. bank check

law l. aut. copyright

law l. camb. negotiable instruments

law l. Cost. Constitutional law

l. r. regional law

r.d. royal decree

r.d.l. royal decree-law

r.d.lgs. royal legislative decree

reg. regulation

reg. C.E. European Community regulation

reg. C.E.E. European Economic Community regulation

r.m. ministerial resolution

t.u. single text

t.u.l.p.s. Consolidated Public Safety Laws