Las perspectivas futuras de la integración económica ¿Subsistencia o fortalecimiento? Especial referencia a la integración en América Latina y a las relaciones América Latina y Unión Europea


[The future perspectives of economic integration, subsistence or strengthening? Special reference to integration in Latin America and relations with Latin America and the European Union] The commercial and economic interaction of the countries are the result of a determined commitment to facilitate trade and interaction through a set of agreements that regulate and facilitate this task. Latin America and the Caribbean, together with the European Union are today relevant actors in this. In the current scenario, what are the prospects for economic integration? Are we in a moment of consolidation of the integrationist model or a mere subsistence? These questions are answered in the present work, making an analysis of the Latin American integrationist reality, its relations with the European Union, with special mention to the association between Chile and the European Union.

Key Words:
Economic integration, Phases, Latin America and the Caribbean, European Union-Chile
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