Special Issue: Social Capital, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Ecosystems


Social Capital
Social Relationships
Migrant Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship

How to Cite

Dana, L.-P., Demartini, P., Ramadani, V., & Schiuma, G. (2019). Special Issue: Social Capital, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3). https://doi.org/10.14596/pisb.369
Received 2020-01-26
Accepted 2020-01-26
Published 2019-12-30


The role of social capital in entrepreneurship has become an increasingly prominent topic in business literature, and the debate about pros and cons has become increasingly complex. In this special issue, we have looked for empirical and conceptual articles that could provide for a unique perspective on the role of social capital in the birth and the development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems.
The selected contributions draw on diverse frameworks and methodological approaches as the authors have expertise in different disciplines (i.e., management, organisational studies, sociology), and the case studies focus on different geographical contexts such as Italy, China, UK, Indonesia and Poland. In detail, the papers scrutinise and challenge the existing studies on social capital with a focus on the following specific topics: i) social relationships, conviviality and social capital, ii) social capital and entrepreneurial success, iii) migrant entrepreneurship and iv) social entrepreneurship.


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