Exploring the Market Orientation of Olive Oil Consortia: an analysis in the Italian context.
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Abbate, T., D'Amico, A., Presenza, A., & Yücelen, M. (2015). Exploring the Market Orientation of Olive Oil Consortia: an analysis in the Italian context. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3). https://doi.org/10.14596/pisb.197
Received 2015-04-27
Accepted 2016-01-09
Published 2015-12-31


This paper aims to examine the market orientation of Olive Oil Consortia in Italy. Through an explorative qualitative analysis, the study sets out to look in detail at: a) whether and how the principal features and main activities characterizing this fundamental marketing concept are defined and effectively implemented in the organizations under examination; b) whether and how the adoption of market orientation influences their business performance. Findings suggest that Olive Oil Consortia recognize the relevance of principal dimension of market orientation in order to develop innovative products that meet customers’ needs and to achieve positive performance. However, the adoption of market orientation constitutes a significant challenge to Consortia because it requires a cultural change as well as the availability of economic and human resources needed to adopt and implement this orientation.

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