In the modern world of the knowledge economy, the culture of people has a strong proven connection with their economic activity, which has received the name "economic culture" in the scientific community. As numerous studies and statistics show, it directly affects both the personal success of a person in life (in terms of financial and material well-being and active career growth), and the efficiency of the economic development of the state and its society (primarily at the level of the indicator of innovation). At the same time, the leading drivers and catalysts for increasing the share of a high (or developed) economic culture in the structure of the economic consciousness of society in the modern world have firmly become people with high intelligence and systematic scientific knowledge - graduates of postgraduate and doctoral studies (scientific and educational programs). In our study, we propose a model developed by us of the value of these departments of universities for the development of the economic culture of their graduates on the example of the Russian New University as the largest and leading non-state higher educational university in Russia.

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