Catalogación de las opciones y correspondencias traslativas del operador reformulativo italiano ‘anzi’ en español mediante la aportación de un corpus bilingüe


discourse markers
cognate languages Spanish-Italian
bilingual corpus

How to Cite

Trovato, G. (2023). Catalogación de las opciones y correspondencias traslativas del operador reformulativo italiano ‘anzi’ en español mediante la aportación de un corpus bilingüe. Linguæ & - Journal of Modern Languages and Cultures, 23(1), 121–141.


This paper aims to analyse and catalogue the different possibilities and translation options of the Italian reformulative marker ‘anzi’ in Spanish by means of a bilingual corpus. The linguistic item addressed can represent a challenge for the translator regardless of the proximity between Spanish and Italian. Our objective is to demonstrate that the morphosyntactic behaviour can considerably vary between Spanish and Italian when it comes to translating specific linguistic elements. By means of a bilingual corpus, we will analyse the strategies that can be adopted in Spanish in order to render the Italian marker ‘anzi’. We will draw the conclusion that the concept of symmetry between Spanish and Italian is not to be considered as the rule in the translation process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Giuseppe Trovato