Il diritto alla cittadinanza: un “Giano bifronte”. Politica del diritto e identità nazionale in una recente pronuncia del Consiglio di Stato greco


The right to citizenship: a "two-faced Janus". Politics of law and national identity in a recent decision of the Greek State Council] This research addresses the delicate issue of the right to citizenship in Greece, mainly under the aspects of the jurisprudence, constitutionality and the rule of law.
The article is inspired by a recent decision of the Greek State Council that ruled that the Reforming Law on Citizenship n. 3838/2010, which introduced into the Citizenship Code the ius soli, next to the traditional ius sanguinis principle, was unconstitutional. The decision of the Greek State Council has brought into light the profound and unresolved conflict affecting the society and the Greek politics around the integration of the resident immigrants and likewise with the yearly influx of new arriving immigrants.

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