Edith Stein is mainly known thanks to the contribution she gave to philosophical anthropology, theoretical philosophy and ontology. The aim of this composition is to elaborate on a different area of her thought by analyzing her idea of Bildung. The charm of this topic is given by its complexity. Indeed, according to the philosopher’s perspective, human formation is articulated in two dimensions. At an universal level, the whole humanity has to follow Jesus Christ as a model; at an individual level, each human being has to improve the particular potentialities that God decided for him/her – and for him/her only. Moreover, there are many intricate issues related to this concept. One of those is that to advance on both of the paths of formation, the Man needs a spiritual feeding, which is mostly taken from the Eucharistic education source. Consequently, in the practice of the Consecrated Host intake, the nourishment theme has a deep symbolic meaning, since according to the transubstantiation dogma the sacred bread is literally the body of Christ. Another interesting topic linked to the reflection about Bildung is represented by the spiritual motherhood theming. Stein affirms a woman is mother everytime she helps someone else realizing his/her own vocation, even if she never gave birth phisically. In conclusion, this essay aspires to analyze the good food for thought offered by Stein’s beliefs regarding her idea of formation, focusing on the less acknowledged part of her philosophy in a detailed manner.