Il metodo blondelliano dell'immanenza: un contributo filosofico al dialogo interreligioso


The present contribution is articulated around two main research coordinates. In the first one, the valorization of the philosophical method of Maurice Blondel's immanence will be discussed in relation to the urgency of contrasting the reductivist hegemonic model of today's anthropology. This one, in fact, absolutizes the pragmatic and efficient dimension of the human being, penalizing its constitutive openness to the metaphysical and religious dimension. Particular emphasis will be also given to the contribution of a method which integrates the multiple declensions of the action within the notion of experience, by analysing the profound motivation and the ultimate purpose. In today's multiculturalism, the impossibility – to weave a fruitful and lasting dialogue – of “relegating” the religious dimension within subcultures by absolutizing the self-determination of the human action, is becoming increasingly evident. In the second topic, the reference to the philosophy of action and its secular, not theological apologetics will be aimed at identifying in the anthropological category of “exigency” the pivotal point of a dialogue platform with those theoretically-centered anthropologies such as Islam, in which the supernatural nature of the moral legislation is the pivot of the axiology of the human being. It will be evidenced, in the incessant search for fulfilment, how the infinite nature of the movement of the willing will open up the horizon of a philosophical-experiential highlighting of the creaturality of the person.
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