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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La submission non è stata precedentemente pubblicata, né proposta a un'altra rivista (oppure si fornisce una spiegazione all'editor nei commenti).
  • Il file di submission è in un formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Dove possibile, sono stati fornite gli URL delle referenze.
  • Il testo ha spaziatura singola; usa un font 12 punti ; impiega il corsivo invece della sottolineatura (eccetto con gli indirizzi URL); e tutte le illustrazioni, figure, e tabelle sono posizionate all'interno del testo nei punti appropriati, piuttosto che alla fine.
  • Il testo aderisce alle richieste stilistiche e bibliografiche riassunte nelle linee guida dell'autore, che si trova nella pagina di informazioni sulla rivista.

Author Guidelines

Tesserae Iuris-Editorial Guidelines

Preliminary Note

The journal is divided into sections: the first is dedicated to essays; the second, ‘Sul tavolo’, includes short reviews (up to two pages) of recent publications; no notes are required for writing in this section. The third, ‘A proposito di’, is for titled reviews and brief scientific interventions of various content. 

Essays published in the first section should include:

  • An abstract in English.
  • A list of no more than five keywords.
  • A list of the primary sources examined.

Writings for the third section (‘A proposito di’) will not include an English abstract, keywords, or a list of cited sources. If bibliographic references in the notes in these writings are at most five, use the extended citation form, and there is no need to prepare a final bibliography.


Texts should be submitted in .doc or .docx format (the .odt format is not accepted), and, in addition, a PDF version can be provided. 

Text and notes should be in a common font, preferably Times New Roman (12-point font for the main text, 10-point font for notes) with single spacing. 

Footnotes should be numbered sequentially. Footnotes should generally end with a period. References to footnotes should be inserted before punctuation marks (e.g., this tradition is found in Plutarch’s Moralia1.).

A Unicode-encoded font should be used for Ancient Greek or other ancient scripts, different from the one normally used in the text (do not use Times New Roman or Times for characters from other scripts). For Ancient Greek, it is recommended to use Cardo, which includes special epigraphic and papyrological characters (


The paper’s title (in 12-point font, bold), any subtitle (in 10-point font, bold), the author’s name (in uppercase, 10-point font), and, where applicable, the author’s affiliation or, if not available, the location (in 10-point font, regular) should be centered.


At the end of the article, include:


- An Abstract (10-point font, regular) in English, at most 300 characters (including spaces).

Keywords, at most five, in English or Latin, where necessary.

- The primary sources discussed in the text ( at most ten).

Bibliographic References

Bibliographic references should be provided in abbreviated form in the footnotes and in full in the bibliography at the end of the article, following the criteria below.

a) In the footnote

Author’s last name in uppercase, followed by the italicized first word (or first words) of the title, e.g.:

Metro, Lex Cornelia, 500-524

For publications with multiple authors, indicate the authors’ names separated by a short hyphen:

Dalla - Lambertini, Istituzioni

References to page numbers should be precise (e.g., 192-195, not 192-95 or 192-5), and abbreviations (e.g., p./pp., et seq.) should not be used. The use of passim is accepted. A reference to a note should follow the page indication, as in the example: 192 n. 7 or nn. 7-8. When citing multiple works consecutively, follow the chronological order (e.g., see Metro, Lex Cornelia, 500-524; Dalla - Lambertini, Istituzioni, 208-212; Alföldy, Storia, 164-177). Do not use id./idemead./eademibid./ibidem.

b) In the end-of-article bibliography

The bibliography should be in 10-point font. The list of works should be preceded by:


Works should be cited alphabetically by the author, as follows:

Akrigg B., The Nature and Implications of Athens’ changed social Structure and Economy, in Debating the Athenian cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 B.C., ed. by R. Osborne, Cambridge-New York, 27-43.

Alföldy G., Storia sociale dell'antica Roma, Bologna 2012 (trans. of Römische Sozialgeschichte, Stuttgart 20114).

Brunt P.A., Italian Manpower 225 BC - AD 14, Oxford 1971.

Cracco Ruggini L., Economia e società nell'Italia Annonaria. Rapporti fra agricoltura e commercio dal IV al VI secolo d. C., Bari 1995 (= Economia e società nell'Italia Annonaria. Rapporti fra agricoltura e commercio dal IV al VI secolo d. C., Milano 1961).

Dagron G., Costantinopoli. Nascita di una capitale (330-451), Torino 1991 (trans. of Naissance d'une capitale. Constantinople et ses institutions de 330 à 451, Paris 1974).

Dalla D. - Lambertini R., Istituzioni di diritto romano, Torino 20063.

Kaser M. - Hackl K., Das römische Zivilprozessrecht, München 19962.

Metro A., La lex Cornelia de iurisdictione alla luce di Dio. Cass. 36,40,1-2, IVRA 20 (1969) 500-524.

Pugliese G., Actio e diritto subiettivo, Milano 1939.

Rainer M., Dieter Nörr e la romanistica tedesca, in Dieter Nörr e la romanistica europea tra XX e XXI secolo. Atti del Convegno, Torino 26-27 maggio 2005, a cura di E. Stolfi, Torino 2006, 7-19.

Scherillo G., s.v. Comodato (dir. rom.), in Enc. dir., VII, Milano 1960, 992.

Edited volumes should be cited by title in the bibliography, as follows:

Domini collettivi ed usi civici. Riflessioni sulla legge n. 168 del 2017. Atti del XIV Convegno annuale del Centro studi sulle proprietà collettive e la cultura del giurista ‘G. Cervati,’ L’Aquila, 31 maggio 2018, a cura di F. Politi, F. Marinelli, Pisa 2019.


Citations from modern texts should be placed in quotation marks «».

Quotation marks are excluded for Latin (which should be in italics) and Greek.

Citations exceeding two lines of text, whether in ancient or modern languages, should be:

- in a smaller font (11-point)

- indented to the left, with a 0.5-inch indentation

- separated from the preceding and following text by a line break.

Other Instructions

Cross-references within the text should be avoided as much as possible. If essential, use infra or supra, followed by the page number (e.g., see infra 25) or the footnote number (e.g., see infra 25 n. 5). 

Italics should be used only for Latin words. 

When a hyphen is required, it always means a short hyphen (-). The long hyphen (–) should only indicate clauses within a sentence. Illustrations should be digital images printable in both black and white and color, as the publication will be in black and white. By submitting images, the author declares they have the right to publication.

Some Common Abbreviations (in Italian; for other languages, use common practice)

a. = year

ad v. = at the word (italicized)

app. = appendix

ca. = approximately

cap./capp. = chapter/chapters

cat. = catalog

cfr. = compare

cm, m, km, g, kg (without a period) = centimeter, meter, gram, kilogram

cod./codd. = code/codes

etc. = et cetera

ed./edd. = edition/editions

es. = for example

facs. = facsimile

fig./figg. = figure/figures

fr./frr. = fragment/fragments

Infra = below (italicized)

nr./nrr. inv. = inventory number/numbers

l./ll. = line/lines

ms./mss. = manuscript/manuscripts

n./nn. = note/notes

nr./nrr. = number/numbers

par./parr. = paragraph/paragraphs

s./ss. = following

sec. = century

suppl. = supplement

supra = above (italicized)

s.v. = under the word (italicized)

tav./tavv. = table/tables

trad. = translation

v./vv. = verse/verses

vd. = see

vs = versus (italicized)

vol./vols. = volume/volumes


Use the most common abbreviations, but if an abbreviation is not commonly used in your discipline, cite the author and work in full. For example:

Hom. Il. I, 265

Cic. Brut. 39

Aristoph. Av. 561, 712-724

Philoch. FGrHist. 328 F 108

Isocr. Paneg. [IV] 2

Plat. Resp. 538a <br>

Harpocr. s.v. ἀγενής

Fest. p. 348 L. (use p. for page only in similar cases)

Cass. Dio XXII, frg. 74, 1

Boiss Hdt. II, 3, 1; IV, 2, 1-3, 2

Plut. Lyc. 2, 3

Aristot. Ath. Pol. 4, 2; Pol. 1273 a 6-8

Ovid. Fasti V, 284-290

CIL V 7548

ILS 234


IGUR 123

IG II3 357


Agora XV 128

Legal Sources

Here are some examples to guide you. For works not included here, follow the format of the example for the source you are referencing.

Basilica: Bas.

Codex Iustinianus: C. 7.62.5

Codex Theodosianus: CTh.4.16.1

Constitutiones Sirmondianae: Sirm.

Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti: Cons. 2.1

Digesta: D. (Gai 2 rer. cott. sive aur.)

Edictum Theodorici: Ed. Theod. 6

Fragmenta Vaticana: Fragm. Vat. 10

Fragmentum Dositheanum: Fragm. Dosith. 14

Gai Inst. Epitome: Gai Ep. 1.2.1

Gai Inst. fragm. Augustodunensia: Gai fragm. August. 2.55

Gai Institutiones: Gai. 3.97

Institutiones Iustiniani Augusti: I. 4.18.2

Institutionum Graeca Paraphrasis Theophilo antecessori vulgo tributa: PT. Lex de repetundis: Lex de repet.

Lex Irnitana: Lex Irn.

Lex Romana Burgundionum: Lex Rom. Burg. 4.2

Lex Romana Wisigothorum: Lex Rom. Wis. 8.9.6

Lex XII Tabularum: XII Tab. 3.4

Mosaicarum et romanarum legum collatio: Coll. 1.1.4

Novellae Iustiniani: Nov. 13.1.2

Novellae posttheodosianae: Nov. Theod.

Pauli Sententiae: PS. 1.21.7

Scholia ad Basilica: Schol. ad Bas.

Scholia Sinaitica ad Ulpiani libros ad Sabinum: Schol. Sin.

Senatusconsultum de Bacchanalibus: SC. de Bacch.

Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani: Tit. Ulp. 24.9


Abbreviations for Journals, Series, and Corpora


Use standard abbreviations in your field of study. For contributions related to antiquity, follow the system adopted by L’Année Philologique.

In general, when an abbreviation is not commonly used and easily decipherable, provide the full title, as in the following example:

Pagliari G., “Prime note” sulla l. 20 novembre 2017, n. 168 (“norme in materia di domini collettivi”), Il diritto dell’economia 1 (2019) 11-41.

Please note that in the bibliography at the end of the article, the identifying abbreviation of the journal (or the full title) should be followed by the volume number, year in parentheses, and the initial and final page of the cited article. For example, if you cited Metro, Lex Cornelia, 511 in the text, it should be listed in the bibliography as: Metro A., La lex Cornelia de iurisdictione alla luce di Dio. Cass. 36,40,1-2, IVRA 20 (1969) 500-524.

Abbreviations for Roman Law Journals

AUPA Annali del Seminario Giuridico dell’Università di Palermo

BIDR Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano “Vittorio Scialoja”

INDEX INDEX – Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici. International Survey of Roman Law

IAH Iuris Antiqui Historia. An International Journal on Ancient Law

IVRA IVRA. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico

LR Legal Roots. International Journal of Roman Law, Legal History and Comparative Law

JRS The Journal of Roman Studies

QLSD Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto

RHD Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger

RIDA Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité

SCDR Seminarios Complutenses de Derecho Romano

SDHI Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris

TR Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (Revue d’Histoire du Droit; The Legal History Review)

TSDP Teoria e Storia del Diritto Privato

ZSS Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (Romanistische Abteilung)


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