Current Issue
Tesserae iuris (eISSN 2724-2013) is a scientific periodical dedicated to the field of Roman Law and related disciplines, with specific reference to the subject area IUS/18 "Roman Law and Ancient Rights." The periodical is published twice a year in print format and is simultaneously made available online through its complete electronic copy, following an Open Access approach without restrictions or embargo periods. It is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC-by 4.0) license and adheres to current best scientific practices.
Atti del Colloquio Italo-Francese "La Famiglia Tardoantica. Relazioni familiati e mobilità sociale alle soglie del III secolo" (Parma, 1-2 dicembre 2022)
Sul tavolo
Sullo scaffale
Themes and Characteristics of Published Papers
The journal Tesserae iuris selects articles primarily related to Roman Law (academic sector IUS/18, "Roman Law and Ancient Rights") and related disciplines, which may fall under various scientific areas, including Area 10 "Ancient Sciences, Philological-Literary, and Historical-Artistic Sciences"; Area 11 "Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical, and Psychological Sciences"; Area 12 "Legal Sciences" (as per D.M. 855/2015). Additionally, the journal may occasionally plan special issues or supplementary volumes, even beyond the regular annual issues.