Tesi sui rapporti italo-tedeschi 1989-1990
PDF (Italiano)


German reunification
European unity

How to Cite

Hoeres, P. (2023). Tesi sui rapporti italo-tedeschi 1989-1990. Studi Urbinati, A - Scienze Giuridiche, Politiche Ed Economiche, 74, 139. https://doi.org/10.14276/1825-1676.4214


The affinities between Germany and Italy were the ideal prerequisite for positive interaction in the aftermath of the fall of the Wall. The reasons why this did not fully succeed. Andreotti was not for a substantive rejection of a reunified Germany but pursued three strategic objectives: delaying German unity, negotiating it within the supranational organizations, and linking it to the growth of a united Europe.

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