Intelligenza artificiale e sicurezza sul lavoro: uno sguardo oltre la siepe


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the risks and opportunities arising from the use of artificial intelligence in the management of work relations, particularly in the field of the protection of workers’ health and safety. The analysis of the phenomenon will be conducted through the lenses of the labor discipline, with particular reference to the typical powers of the employer (management, organizational and control), and the safety burden to which the employer, head of the enterprirse, is entitled. The introduction of the Regulation on the development and marketing of artificial intelligence raises interesting questions of interpretation, about the possible contradictions with the previous European Union OSH legislation. A focus will be, in fact, dedicated to the peculiar configuration of civil liability in the event that an offence in the workplace has occurred due to the use of systems equipped with A.I., by multiplying the parties participating in the security credit (employer and commercial manufacturer of the algorithm.
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