Karl Marx: umanismo e materialismo
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How to Cite

Genna, C. (2022). Karl Marx: umanismo e materialismo. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Journal of Philosophy, History and Human Sciences, 12(1), 313–332. https://doi.org/10.14276/2531-9582.3484


In the context of the contemporary age, Karl Marx represents a classical author. His theory of historical materialism is the basis of his general vision of reality with the principles of “self-consciousness” and “class consciousness”. To the optimism of idealism, centered on pure theory, Marx opposes a new cultural model in relation to praxis and political economy. His production must therefore be read in all its phases, from youth to maturity, with the aim of interpreting historical materialism as a peculiar form of humanism and naturalism.


Humanism; Naturalism; Self-consciousness; Class Consciousness.

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