UniURB Open Journals

Journals UniUrb is the platform for the management and publication of the digital scientific journals of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo



Argomenti - Journal of Economics, Culture and Social Studies (ISSN 1971-8357) publishes scientific articles in all areas of economics, economic policy and social studies, and provides a scholarly, international forum for all methodological approaches and schools of thought. Argomenti encourages high-quality research on the economy, politics and society, and welcomes applied, institutional and theoretical papers on relevant issues concerning the International and Italian debate from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Cultura giuridica e diritto vivente

Cultura giuridica e diritto vivente (ISSN 2384-8901) is the online journal of the Department of Law (DiGiur). It aims to represent legal knowledge in its breadth and complexity, respecting the multiple components that converge within it and contribute to its definition. The need for measurement and the orders of measurement lie at the deepest sense of the law, as well as legal culture and science. This is evoked masterfully by the rules and measures omnipresent in the visions of the Urbino Renaissance by Mario Logli, which bring us back to the challenges of the present.

Read the manifesto

Diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro

“Diritto della Sicurezza sul Lavoro” (ISSN 2531-4289) is a semi-annual scientific journal classified as Class A, Area 12, published online. It consists of two issues per year and gathers original scientific contributions specifically dedicated to the field of Occupational Health and Safety Law. The journal is part of the
initiatives of the "Olympus" Observatory at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo ( http://olympus.uniurb.it ) with the aim of deepening the monitoring activities related to legislation and case law regarding workplace safety conducted by the Observatory. The essays published in "Safety at Work Law" are legally recognized as publications.

Linguæ & - Journal of Modern Languages and Cultures

Linguæ & - Journals of Modern Languages and Cultures Rivista di lingue e culture moderne (eISSN 1724-8698) is a top tier peer-reviewed journal devoted to interdisciplinary research on language and literature, giving voice to a cross-cultural and multi-genre koine. Linguæ & is published twice a year, in June and December, and generally features miscellaneous contributions in the fields of language and culture. Special editorial topics will be advertised well in advance. The Journal is indexed in Web of Science and DOAJ

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB)

The International Journal of Economic Behavior aims to publish research articles (both quantitative and qualitative), reports from the field, critical review papers, discussions concerning the main characteristics of the economic behavior in management and, consequently, decisions and organization. Moreover, the journal seeks to discuss the manner in which some of the classical theoretical statements, practices and policy making in Economics, Business and Management are influenced by factors which are not proven to fit the well-known hypothesis of economic rationality.
The interdisciplinary approach is required, as economics, management, psychology, sociology, anthropology are domains that help in understanding the complex economic behavior within and outside companies and provide the researchers with complete tools for analysis.


Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione (NGFR)

Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione  (NGFR) - (ISSN 2532-1676) - is a journal of the University of Urbino (Department of Economics, Society, Politics, DESP), produced in collaboration with the Italian Association of Philosophy of Religion (AIFR)."

——— Materialismo Storico ——— Journal of philosophy, history and human sciences

"Materialismo Storico" – a semi-annual scientific journal of philosophy, history, and human sciences – is a publication of the University of Urbino with the patronage of Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx and theIstituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.

The journal is accredited by the Agenzia nazionale per la ricerca universitaria (Anvur) for Area 11

P.A. Persona e Amministrazione

Legal Research on Public Administration and Economics

The journal P.A. (Person and Administration) (ISSN 2610-9050) is a semi-annual scientific journal classified as Class A, Area 12. It was born from the research path started in 2006, with the first conference promoted in Urbino. It is not, therefore, a journal that arises in the abstract or as the fruit only of a project; it is, rather, the result of a path, now ten years old. It arises, therefore, from an experience and the results of that experience will help sustain and enhance it. The journal is indexed in Scopus

Piccola Impresa / Small Business

The  Piccola Impresa / Small Business Journal (ISSN 0394-7947; eISSN 2421-5724) aims to contribute to the study of and the spread of information on small-sized entrepreneurial firms, by offering an approachable space where those who do research in this field can freely share the results of their empirical studies and  compare their theoretical reasoning and procedures.
It is an academic journal with an international vocation, dedicated specifically to the investigation of and theoretical reflection on the administration and management of small businesses, their role in the economy, as well as the policies and regulations they face. 

Studi Urbinati, B - Scienze umane e sociali

This is the digital version of the journal "Studi urbinati. B, Scienze umane e sociali," published by the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. During this initial experimental phase, the print publication will be supplemented by the electronic edition

Studi Urbinati, A - Scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economiche

Studi Urbinati, A - Scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economiche (eISSN 2464-9325, ISSN 1825-1676). This is the digital version of the journal Studi urbinati di scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economiche. New Series A, published by the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. From 2021, the journal will take on a new connotation following the change of the Editor-in-Chief and the Scientific and Editorial Board. It is planned to digitize all volumes starting with the first one, published in 1927.

I Working papers di Olympus

Studi e ricerche dell'Osservatorio per il monitoraggio permanente della legislazione e giurisprudenza sulla sicurezza del lavoro presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza.

Tesserae iuris

Tesserae iuris (eISSN 2724-2013) is a scientific periodical dedicated to the field of Roman Law and related disciplines, with specific reference to the subject area IUS/18 "Roman Law and Ancient Rights." The periodical is published twice a year in print format and is simultaneously made available online through its complete electronic copy, following an Open Access approach without restrictions or embargo periods. It is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC-by 4.0) license and adheres to current best scientific practices.