The “Torre del Cerrano” Marine Protected Area and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas as an Ecotourism Management Tool


  • Guido Capanna Piscè Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo"



Sustainable Development, Ecotourism Management, Certification, Marine Protected Area, SWOT analysis


The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) in Protected Areas is a voluntary management tool and certification that enables protected areas to develop sustainable tourism for the benefit of the environment, local populations, businesses, and visitors. The EUROPARC Federation, of which Federparchi has been the Italian section since 2008, issues the internationally recognized Charter.
The entire process is participative and integrated through a strategic approach that includes defining the strategic objectives to be pursued through an Action Plan, allocating the necessary resources, and monitoring the results achieved. This contribution aims to propose a critical analysis of the documentation produced by the managers of the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Areas (in Italy) following the process implemented during the months when the Charter was renewed (between autumn 2018 and spring 2019) and contained in the Strategy and Action Plan document. The author conducted a critical analysis to define the factors characterizing a protected area as the result of the participatory process.


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19.12.2021 — Updated on 19.12.2021
