Effects of Waiting Time on Patient Satisfaction: Nigerian Hospitals Experience


  • John Kolade Obamiro




The time spent waiting for services at outpatient department couple with some factors of quality care are major determinants of patient satisfaction. This study examines the relationship between waiting time and patient satisfaction. Data was obtained through structured questionnaire distributed to a randomly selected 240 outpatients of the selected public and private health centres to ascertain their views as regards to waiting time and evaluation of level of satisfaction with service delivery. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics. This study has shown that a good numbers of the patients were satisfied with the service delivery despite experiencing long waiting time. Though, lengthy waiting line is evident in the public hospital than the other private hospitals. But this does not affect patient perception of quality care offered because long waiting time is a general occurrence in Nigerian hospitals especially in publicly funded health centres. Efforts should be made by hospital administrators and medical personnel to eliminate unnecessary delay in service delivery and where unavoidable; the waiting time should be made productive. Also, emphasis should be directed toward training of medical personnel on ways to create patient-oriented services and deliver more efficient services.
Keywords: Waiting Time; Healthcare Centre; Medical Personnel; Service Delivery; Quality care; Patient Satisfaction.


