The current Brazilian historical bloc has presented a set of conjunctural elements that denote the change of its direction in favor of the affirmation of neoconservative forces. From this set of elements the current configuration of the Brazilian govern-ment is one of its expressions. Jair Bolsonaro’s performance in general and especially in relation to the environmental issue is one of the many highlights in this framework. This agenda has a direct impact on various areas of the State and its relations with different organs of society, both nationally and internationally, obtaining relevant media repercussions. Given this conjuncture, the objective of the present paper is to analyse, in the articles produced by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, counterpoints to the neoconservative speech of Jair Bolsonaro delivered at the 74th United Nations General Assembly, regarding the environmental issue. This is a qualitative, analytical and exploratory research. The article is structured in two items. In the first item, it presents a literature review on the concept of the Historical Bloc, from Gramscian authors in articulation with the recent production of knowledge about the govern-ment. It also identifies the adoption of a neoconservative agenda by the Federal Executive representative. In the second, it presents an analysis of the counterpoints identified through the exploratory study, in the light of the theoretical concepts approached. The results show that the Bolsonaro Government is part of a regressive historical bloc regarding environmental policy.

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