Il benessere lavorativo per la attraction e la retention delle risorse umane


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Starting from the examination of the occupational transitions experienced in the context of the so-called “Great Resignation”, this paper aims to investigate a specific dimension of occupational health, which has become crucial in the current labour relations and relates to individual and organizational the well-being. The purpose of the research is to understand the suitability of new models of work organization to improve the quality of the employment conditions of their recipients, and to generate widespread well-being, even for workers who cannot benefit directly from them. The test of the research hypothesis is carried out both by a legal and industrial relations analysis of remote work, in the awareness that it can be a reference for a broader rethinking of the relationship between organization and occupational health. On the methodological side, an in-depth study of the legislation and the doctrine is flanked by an overview of collective agreements, and of some empirical investigations useful to support the developed reasoning.
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