Comunismo e/o marxismo? Note in margine a "La questione comunista. Storia e futuro di un’idea", di Domenico Losurdo

Come citare

Alfieri, L. (2022). Comunismo e/o marxismo? Note in margine a "La questione comunista. Storia e futuro di un’idea", di Domenico Losurdo. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 12(1), 184–196.


From a philosophical-political point of view, the central theme of Domenico Losurdo’s posthumous book La questione comunista (The Communist Question) is the critique of the Marxist theory on the extinction of the State; this criticism leads to a recovery of substantially Hegelian positions. In this perspective, Losurdo consistently advocates the overcoming of the devaluation of “bourgeois” liberties and supports the possible convergence of the communist position with the more advanced liberal-socialist positions. This, however, implies the correction of the Marxist theory in a substantial point, not the simple criticism of errors or occasional deviations. The incompleteness of the text does not allow unambiguous conclusions on its ultimate intent, but it seems inevitable to derive from it a conception of communism open to prospects of emancipation and human values that cannot be traced back exclusively to the Marxian categories. A non-Marxist communism, or no longer just a Marxist one.


Theory of the Extinction of the State; Different Historical Forms of the Class Struggle; Communism and “Bourgeois” Liberties; The Peoples of the Third World as a Revolutionary Subject; Communism as an Ethical Value.

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