«Anoressia di fronte alla sovranità». Il concetto di egemonia e l’analisi delle classi dominanti latinoamericane, dalle teorie della dipendenza all’opera di René Zavaleta Mercado
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How to Cite

Cortés, M. (2020). «Anoressia di fronte alla sovranità». Il concetto di egemonia e l’analisi delle classi dominanti latinoamericane, dalle teorie della dipendenza all’opera di René Zavaleta Mercado. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Journal of Philosophy, History and Human Sciences, 7(2), 138–149. https://doi.org/10.14276/2531-9582.2153


The purpose of this work is to explore aspects of the work of the Bolivian author René Zavaleta, who claims that the Latin American ruling classes do not have a "hegemonic vocation". This means that they do not perform the so-called "national tasks" of developing a nation but develop in a relationship of close subordination to foreign capital (Zavaleta calls this attitude "anorexia towards sovereignty"). The article focuses on Zavaleta's analysis of the problem of the "social equation" (the relationship between State and Society) in Latin America, which raises the question of the conditions in which the subordinate classes can aspire to hegemony once the dominant classes seem to have renounced it.


René Zavaleta, Latin American Bourgeoisie, Hegemony, State, Social Equation

«Anoressia di fronte alla sovranità». Il concetto di egemonia e l’analisi delle classi dominanti latinoamericane, dalle teorie della dipendenza all’opera di René Zavaleta Mercado

PDF (Italiano)

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