Stato e rivoluzione. Problemi filosofico politici della trasformazione in un mondo al collasso

Come citare

Fresu, G. (2025). Stato e rivoluzione. Problemi filosofico politici della trasformazione in un mondo al collasso. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 17(2), 222–246.


In a world dominated by warmongering imperialism in its phase of maximum expansion, when the nationalist convulsions of the Western powers had ended up overwhelming even the International, State and Revolution once again addresses the question of the Marxist theory of the State by reiterating the impossibility of a gradual and seamless transition from bourgeois democracy to socialism. If in general terms universal suffrage was not able to undermine the substance of the class contradictions inherent in capitalist society, in a historical phase such as that, according to Lenin, the way out of the barbarism responsible for having brought humanity to collapse had to be sought with even greater determination in new, more direct and less mediated forms of popular participation. In this work, considered Lenin's last theoretical work, the Russian revolutionary raises the problem of overcoming delegated representative forms of political functions, at the time organically co-opted in defense of the monopolistic interests of the respective national capitalisms.


State; Representative Democracy; Imperative Mandate: Socialist Transition.

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